This quick growing vine can cover large areas. It is hardy and attaches itself to the support with arial roots. It creates a thicket of green leaves with bright orange, trumpet-shaped flowers. Scientific Name: Campsis spp. The flowers are a … Continue reading
Clematis Vine

Clematis is one of the showiest flowering vines. It comes in most colors and requires a trellis, fence, or shrub to climb. Scientific Name: Clematis spp. Exposure: Full sun for the vine with shady cooler areas for the roots. Length: 5-10′ Water Usage: … Continue reading →
Ivy Vine

English Ivy is a popular, easy-to-grow, evergreen vine. Use it in shady areas to define a border, to act as a screen, or as a climbing vine. It clings tightly to surfaces through special adaptations called holdfasts. Scientific Name: Hedera helix Exposure: Partial Sun … Continue reading →
Honeysuckle Vine

Climbing Honeysuckle is a hardy and fragrant vine that is grown with very little care. It can become invasive so prune it back as needed. It flowers in red, pink, orange, white, and yellow from late spring until frost. Scientific … Continue reading →
Grape Vines

Grape vines are not only a beautiful large-leafed vine, they also bear clusters of sweet fruit. They can be used for shade, screening, and decorative plantings. Scientific Name: Vitis labrusca cultivars The varieties most suitable for our cold Colorado climates are ‘Concord Seedless’, … Continue reading →